Career and Employment Services
Our Career and Employment Services program helps to bridge the gap between Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs) and Lethbridge employers. Our practitioners are experienced in assisting immigrants to integrate into Canadian work culture and connect with potential jobs.
We can help with:
Employment Counselling: One-on-one support to prepare your resume/cover in a Canadian format. Learn how to conduct a job search in Canada. Practice mock interviews to present your work and education experience in a Canadian context.
Preparation for Licensure/Certification: Canadian occupational profiles and licensing processes can be challenging. Get help navigating the accreditation process in Canada.
Career Mentorship: Through one-on-one matching relationships, we connect IEPs with professionals of similar vocational or skilled backgrounds for coaching and advice in accessing the Canadian labour market. Mentorship is a knowledge-sharing relationship. The person seeking information and advice is the mentee, and the person with experience is the mentor.
Connector Program: Match. Connect. Refer. Be matched for a 30-minute meeting with an industry expert in your field to discuss your areas of expertise and industry details. Once the meeting is complete, get referred to three additional connections in that connector’s network.
Information Sessions: Participate in monthly information sessions with your peers. Gain valuable networking opportunities; learn about Canadian soft skills, Canadian workplace culture, how to network, and how to establish connections in Canada
Work Placement: Access the opportunity to gain valuable Canadian work experience and develop soft skills in your intended area of employment.
Permanent Resident
Live-in caregiver
Possess foreign credential
Have a university or college degree or trade certificate
To learn more about different programs and activities, please contact us.
Funded by:
Contact: Najib Mangal
Phone: 403-320-1589
Service Location: 1107 2A Ave North, Lethbridge, AB
Office Hours:
8:30 am—4:30 am, Monday—Friday
Closed Statutory holidays
Cost: No fee for this service