Council on Accreditation
The Council on Accreditation (COA) was founded in 1977 by the Child Welfare League of America and the Family Service America (now the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities). With over 40 years of experience in promoting best practice standards, they are a well-respected ally for the human and social services field. COA accredits the full continuum of child welfare, behavioral health, and community-based human and social services for children, youth, adults, and families.
Lethbridge Family Services is committed to:
Delivering high quality to our clients:
Meet best practice standards
Deliver services with appropriately trained staff
Ensure that services are culturally competent
Include clients in the decision-making process
Provide services in a safe and respectful environment
Protect clients’ privacy
Support positive outcomes
Supporting our staff:
Protect health and safety
Minimize risk and liability
Define professional staff qualifications
Provide appropriate employee protections
Ensure a performance evaluation system is in place
Foster service environments that are efficient, effective, and backed by a culture that embraces quality improvement
Supporting our board:
Put sound financial management practices in place
Ensure practices are ethical
Maintain a current, relevant, and monitored strategic plan
Cultivate effective quality improvement and risk management systems
Uphold policies and procedures addressing conflicts of interest, preferential treatment, accountability, and delegation of authority
Inspire confidence in our donors and funders
Sustain sound financial practices
Maintain a performance and quality improvement system
Keep organizational operations efficient
Meet the need of regulators
Validate that we deliver high-quality services
Prevent fraud with risk management policies and mechanisms