DaCapo Disability Services
DaCapo is an Italian musical term that means to "repeat from the beginning". We assist adults with disabilities (developmental, FASD, and brain injury) to develop skills and relationships that enhance their well-being, independence, and connectivity to the community.
Reaching Independence through Skills & Employment (RISE)
RISE is a skills-centered employment program for adults with developmental disabilities, where they can meet their self-determined employment goals in a supportive environment.
Community Access for Persons in Continuing Care (CAPCC)
Supports that reduce loneliness and social isolation among individuals who live in continuing care centres.
Employment Services
Services focused on an individual’s strengths and goals to support in searching for and maintaining competitive employment.
FASD Assessment and Diagnostic Services
Individuals referred to this program are eligible for FASD assessment by a multi-disciplinary team.
Community Access Services
Services that assist individuals to develop skills and relationships to enhance wellbeing, independence, and connectivity to the community.
Cross Disability Support Services
Cross Disability Support Services (CDSS) assists adults with disabilities to access services they may not be able to qualify for or obtain through other means. CDSS provides navigation support to individuals for community-based resources.
Community Living Services
Supports provided to individuals in a variety of community living arrangements, including independent living arrangements, contracted arrangements, and respite services.