Client Rights and Responsibilities
As a client of Lethbridge Family Services you have the following rights:
To receive help understanding your rights and responsibilities.
To receive services in your own language or in your communication style.
To receive an explanation of LFS expectations for using its services, including the responsibility to provide the information needed to receive services.
To receive sufficient information about your services so that you can make informed choices and decisions, and to participate in all decisions regarding your services.
To accept or refuse services, to change your services, and to cancel your services, unless your services have been ordered by the court.
To be informed of the benefits, risks, side effects, and alternatives to your planned services.
To be informed about any costs related to your services before receiving the services.
To receive help understanding what services you can have.
To participate in planning and revising your services, unless your services are court-ordered, and receive a copy of the plan.
To be treated fairly, equally, and without discrimination.
To receive services that meet your specific needs.
To be free from all forms of abuse.
To engage in religious, spiritual, and cultural practices and beliefs.
To be informed about how to behave while receiving services from LFS, and to receive consistent enforcement of the program rules and expectations to avoid having your services terminated.
To receive services that are inclusive and respectful of and responsive to religious, cultural, and linguistic diversity.
To receive the most appropriate and least restrictive or intrusive service alternative to meet your needs.
To receive services in a way that is free from harassment, bullying, and coercion; and that protects your right to self-determination.
To accept or refuse treatment or medication unless directed by a court of law and to be informed by Lethbridge Family Services about the consequences of accepting or refusing treatment, which may include termination of services.
To receive information about alternative community resources that are available.
To learn about community resources that are available in addition to your services or following your services with Lethbridge Family Services.
To have your information treated privately and confidentially.
To be made aware of the process of collection, use, and disclosure of your information. To access your client record information according to LFS policies, and to request changes if you think the information is wrong or incomplete.
To be in contact with your family unless your service plan forbids it.
To tell LFS if you have suggestions about your services.
To submit a complaint without interference or retaliation.
These rights do not supersede a client’s right to submit a complaint under any other law, including Alberta Human Rights.
As a client of Lethbridge Family Services you have the following responsibilities:
To follow the responsibilities that are in your individual service plan.
To participate in your services.
To treat other clients and LFS workers respectfully.
To tell a LFS worker about any change in address, phone number, or income status if needed.
To keep your appointments or to cancel them with at least one day’s notice.
To pay for services, if required.
To tell a LFS worker if you want to cancel services.
To follow the steps of the client complaint and grievance procedure if you are unhappy with the services provided.
To provide relevant information that could affect your services.
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Client Rights and Responsibilities in English
Client Rights and Responsibilities in Arabic
Client Rights and Responsibilities in Dari
Client Rights and Responsibilities in French
Client Rights and Responsibilities in Kinyarwanda
Client Rights and Responsibilities in Somali
Client Rights and Responsibilities in Swahili