Darielvis and Danna
Remember the Santollo family? Darielvis and Danna participate in our HIPPY Program (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters). This important part of our Youth Settlement Services department guides newcomer parents in preparing their children for the Canadian school system. By reaching out to communities that can sometimes fall through the cracks, LFS helps parents and carers nurture their children to reach their highest potential.
Dinora, our HIPPY Home Visitor, first roleplays the curriculum with Darielvis. Darielvis is then empowered to teach the material to Danna. For Darielvis and Danna, the experience is not only fun and educational, but provides an opportunity for parent-child bonding.
Dinora says, "Danna's progress has been amazing. Newcomer families often arrive in Canada suddenly, and the adjustment can be difficult. This program gives their little ones a head start on their schooling."
This is just one way that LFS makes things easier for newcomer families! Learn more at LFSfamily.ca/immigrant-services.