Charity, RISE Participant

After Charity's husband, Chris, graduated from the RISE program last year, she decided she wanted to apply for the program as well! The two of them are quickly becoming a RISE power couple! Charity just started her work-integrated learning experience in the Wear 'M' Out kitchen.

Anna Schultz, owner of Wear 'M' Out Inc. Lethbridge, explained that Charity is on her third shift and their team loves her already. "I know in Lethbridge there are people that need a hand up, and I figured that because we had the facility here, RISE would be a good program to get into to help people get a hand up, and maybe give them a job at the end of it."

The Reaching Independence through Skills and Employment (RISE) program from DaCapo Disability Services is a skills-centered program that supports adults with developmental disabilities to transition to competitive and meaningful employment.

There are numerous benefits to getting involved with RISE as a community employer, and job coaches support both the employer and the participant every step of the way. Inclusive work environments boost teamwork and staff morale, creating a business that consumers want to support. Anna says, "The community sees we are doing this, and they love it. It's important to send folks out into society knowing basic skills, like how to work, track hours, manage a bank account, even food safety, to make sure they can get a job and do well."

The current cohort of RISE participants will graduate this June. Employers interested in hiring participants from this groundbreaking vocational program can email

Charity at Wear 'M' Out Inc. Lethbridge with RISE Job Coach, Justin.



Iryna, Community Connections Program Volunteer


Councillor Belinda Crowson