LFS Angel Tree Stewardship Report

It is my privilege to provide your annual Angel Tree Stewardship Report. The enclosed report includes campaign-specific information as well as highlights from this amazing year. This was our 30th anniversary operating the LFS Angel Tree Christmas Campaign.

The level of commitment from our entire community of volunteers, donors, drop-off locations, media, friends, and family, was outstanding. The impact of this shared experience will be felt every day by every child who received a gift bundle and by every family who was given the gift of hope. Hope from you.

Hope is a part of everyone’s life. It’s an inherent part of being a human being. Hope links our past and present to the future. “Hope is a match in a dark tunnel, a moment of light, just enough to reveal the path ahead and ultimately the way out.” Dr. Judith Rich
Because of your support, Angel Tree is truly changing lives.

View the 2022 LFS Angel Tree Stewardship Report


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