The Lethbridge Family Services Outreach and Education team is offering an ongoing personal growth group to support individuals in learning more about the relationship between anger, thoughts, and behaviour through a series of 6 rotating topics. There is no cost to participate.
The personal growth group will:
Help participants learn skills to identify and cope with their anger.
Provide a supportive learning environment to emphasize the use of respectful, assertive expressions of anger.
Provide participants with practical and compassionate tools and resources to respond to anger in their lives.
Wednesday evenings, 6:00-7:30 pm. Begins January 15.
Hosted at the Lethbridge Family Services Counselling Office: 1098 3rd Ave North, Lethbridge.
For more information or to inquire about an intake, please contact Outreach and Education at or 403-327-5724. Intakes must be booked prior to attending the group and will occur on an ongoing basis.