John Thompson, BA, RSW

Outreach and Education Supervisor

John holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Lethbridge in Anthropology, as well as the designation of Registered Social Worker. John has worked in Suicide Prevention since 1989, first as a crisis line volunteer and board member, and later, as Rural Liaison.

John has been with the Outreach and Education Program since 2001, with a primary focus on Suicide Prevention and Family Violence Prevention. John is an engaging public speaker and enjoys providing presentations and workshops on a wide variety of topics to individuals, groups, and organizations.

John has had the opportunity to contribute to the development of the Suicide Intervention Training, co-author the Corrections 1154 Course: Suicide Prevention in Correctional Settings, support the development of the Accountability for Change: Family Violence Treatment group, as well as coordinate the Community Helpers Program. He has also represented Lethbridge Family Services at local, provincial, and national conferences on Suicide and Family Violence. John is grateful for the opportunity to be a member of such an eclectic and exciting team. John has been married since 1998 and enjoys his role as stepfather and grandpa.


Haylee McGee, MACP, CCC


Mikail Tate, BHSc